Waikato And District Collie Club
The Waikato & Districts Collie Club Inc. was formed in 1971. The then President was Cherry Deans, later to become Cherry Simmons who is still an active Life Member today. The Vice President was Mrs Thelma Thomas, also now a Life Member. The Hamilton Kennel Association, Cambridge Kennel Association and Huntly & Districts Kennel Association gave their approval and at the end of 1971 a Christmas Social was held. A picnic day was held at the Narrows Park in February 1972 and our first Ribbon Parade was held on 5 August 1972 with Mr Kevin Skews officiating (it seemed fitting that he was able to judge once again for the Club at Ngaruawahia, it was to be his last appointment before retiring). In order to raise money for the Club a very hard working committee set out to cater for the public at various All Breeds Show and events around the Waiakto area. For many years these hard workers went beyond the call of duty and raised many thousands of dollars to help finance judges from overseas and to keep the Club in a reasonable financial position, covering costs for newsletters, socials, championship shows etc. The very first Championship Show was held August 3rd 1974 at Te Rapa Racecourse, our judge being Mr T Rusbridge. He awarded Ch McFarlane Sweet Echo (Imp Aus), a Tri-colour bitch, Best in Show. Mr Rusbridge was also invited back to judge at a later date. In the beginning the Club was just for Rough and Smooth Collies but soon, due to popular demand, Border and Bearded Collie breeds were added to the Club. Our zone of influence covers a large area between Huntly overbridge and the 39th parallel including Taupo. The current committee endeavours to hold functions in areas ranging from Rotorua, Taupo, Tauranga, to Ngaruawahia but our home base seems to be in Cambridge. We have a regular newsletter that is suitable for all collie owners regardless of pedigree. Information is obtained from various different sites on the internet, overseas sister Club magazines and Club members throughout NZ and Australia. We look forward to new members throughout the year. At different times we offer Show Training Classes, advice on the various Collie breeds, can recommend breeders, grooming tips and in general anything to do with Collies. If you have any queries about Collies or the Club please contact the Secretary Kathryn Debenham 07 5432428 or debenhams@collievale.com
Contact Details
Mrs Kathryn Debenham4C Old Kaimai Road
RD 1
Phone: 07 543 2428
Email: debenhams@collievale.com
Committee Details
President | Keith Robson | 07 560 6175 | karobson@orcon.net.nz |
Vice-President | Neil Debenham | debenhams@collievale.com | |
Secretary/Treasurer | Kathryn Debenham | 07 543 2428 | debenhams@collievale.com |
Trophy Steward | |||
Committee Committee | Kathryne Robson Claire Bish | ||
Committee | Kieran Debenham | ||
Committee | Rochelle Debenham | ||
Committee | Toni Baker |
Upcoming Shows and Events
Join us on our facebook page
We look forward to having lots of collie friends join us.
Club Activities
The Club holds Championship Shows and looks to hold Ribbon Parades, Matches etc when possible.Club Scrapbook
Best on Parade Judge Jan Saltiel
9th August 2014
9th August 2014
Best In Show Judge Karen McIntyre
WDCC Championship Show
September 2007
WDCC Championship Show
September 2007