Caring For Your Dog - Home Sweet Home
Home, Sweet, Home
Introducing your puppy or dog to his or her new home can be an exciting and important time for this newest member of your family. Get off to a good start by having everything ready for its arrival.
Items that should arrive before your new companion include food, a bone to chew on, a couple of toys, one bowl for water and one for food, a leash and a buckle collar, and a bed.
Your puppy or dog will spend the first few weeks in your home getting to know its new family and surroundings. This will also be a time for you and your family to begin to learn about it.
Make sure to find out what food the puppy or dog was on before you bring it home and have a supply handy. You do not have to continue to feed this, but it is important to introduce any new diet gradually.
It is important to structure its time, establish rules and a routine for your new companion. It should spend time with members of the family, but should also be given ample time alone to rest and sleep in its bed.
Now is also an excellent time to begin teaching your dog or puppy to respond to simple commands such as come, sit, wait at doors and lay down. Training will not only help your family gain control, but will enhance the relationship with their new companion. Enrolling in classes at an obedience school is a great way to learn how to effectively train and communicate with your dog or puppy.
In addition, make sure to take the time to visit your veterinarian for such things as health checks, immunisations and spaying or neutering options. Your vet will also be able to answer any other questions or concerns you have regarding your pet's health.
By carefully preparing your family, home and lifestyle for the addition of a dog or puppy, you will have created a wonderful new beginning for a lifetime of joy and companionship.